Set Two

Resources for Sunday Homilies Set Two

According to the Syro-Malabar Liturgical Calendar


Annunciation First Sunday: Luke 1:5-20 Announcement to Zechariah

Annunciation Second Sunday: Luke 1:26-38 The Annunciation to the Blessed Mother

Annunciation Third Sunday: Luke 1:57-66 Announcement about the birth of John the Baptist

Annunciation Fourth Sunday: Mathew 1:18-24 Announcement about Emmanuel


Christmas (December 25): Luke 2:1-14 The Birth of Jesus

Nativity First Sunday: Matthew 2:1-12 Visit of the magi.

January 1 Circumcision and Holy Name of Jesus: Luke 2:21 (Lk 2:21-33).

Feast of Epiphany / Baptism of Jesus January 6 Matthew 3:13-17

Nativity Second Sunday: Luke 2:22-24, 41-52 Jesus at the Temple


Feast of Denha: Mark 1:1-8 Preaching of John the Baptist, Mark 1:9-11 Baptism of Jesus

Denha First Sunday: John 1:45-51 The disciples will witness the glory

Denha Second Sunday: John 8:21-30 One who sent me is with me

Denha Third Sunday: Mark 3:7-19 The selection of the Apostles

Denha Fourth Sunday: John 4:1-26 The Samaritan Woman

Denha Fifth Sunday: Matthew 5:17-26 Jesus is the fulfillment of law

Denha Sixth Sunday: Mark 2:1-12 Messiah who forgives sins

Denha Seventh Sunday: John 6:47-59 Jesus is the bread of life

Denha Eighth Sunday: Matthew 9:35-10:4 He sends the Apostles among the sheep that have no shepherd


Great Fast First Sunday: Luke 4:1-13 Forty days of fasting of the Messiah

Great Fast Second Sunday: Luke 19:1-10 Repentance of Zacchaeus

Great Fast Third Sunday: Matthew 6:1-8 ;16-18 Fasting, Charity, Prayer

Great Fast Fourth Sunday: Matthew 5:27-32 Be holy

Great Fast Fifth Sunday: John 8:1-11 Salvation for sinful woman

Great Fast Sixth Sunday: Mark 8:31–9:1 First Prediction of the Passion


Great Fast Seventh Sunday (Palm Sunday): Luke 19:28-40 Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem

Pesaha Thursday: Luke 22:7-13 + John 13:1-15 + Luke 22:15-21 The Last Supper

Passion (Good) Friday: The Passion of Christ


Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of Christ

Resurrection Second Sunday (St. Thomas and Divine Mercy Sunday): John 20:24-31 Proclamation of the Faith of Thomas, the Apostle

Resurrection Third Sunday: John 21:15-19 Peter is the Pastor

Resurrection Fourth Sunday Matthew 28:16-20 I will be with you till end of the world

Resurrection Fifth Sunday Luke 10:1-12 The seventy disciples are sent as two each

Resurrection Sixth Sunday John 5:19-29 He who believes will be resurrected

Resurrection Seventh Sunday: Luke 24:44-53 Least Instructions and Ascension of Jesus


Apostles First Sunday (Feast of Pentecost): Acts 2:1-13 The coming of the Holy Spirit

Apostles Second Sunday Feast of Holy Trinity. Profession of Faith.

Feast of Corpus Christi / The body and blood of Christ. Matthew 26:26-29 Institution of Holy Eucharist

Apostles Third Sunday Luke 9:1-6 Sending the Apostles

Feast of Sacred Heart Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi, John 19:30-37 The Pierced Heart.

Apostles Fourth Sunday John 6:60-69 The words of Eternal life

Apostles Fifth Sunday Matthew 10:16-33 Do not be afraid to bear witness

Dukhrna of St. Thomas Apostle John 11:1-16 Let us all go and may die with Him

Apostles Sixth Sunday Matthew 9:27-38 Pray to the Lord of the harvest

Apostles Seventh Sunday: John 14:15-20; 25-26 The helper sent by the Father through the prayer of Jesus


Kaitha First Sunday: Matthew 10:1-15 The twelve disciples

Kaitha Second Sunday: John 15:1-8 The vine and its branches

Kaitha Third Sunday: Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary

Kaitha Fourth Sunday: Matthew 13 :44-52 The growth of the Kingdom of God

Kaitha Fifth Sunday: Luke 11:14-26 Divided house will be destroyed

Kaitha Sixth Sunday: John 6:16-24 The Messiah protects the Church, the Ship

Kaitha Seventh Sunday: Matthew 6:19-24 Keep the treasure in heaven


(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Elijah First Sunday: Mark 9:2-13 The Transfiguration of Jesus

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Elijah Second Sunday: Matthew 17:9-13 The arrival of Elijah

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Elijah Third Sunday: Matthew 24:32-44 Stay awake

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Elijah Fourth Sunday: Matthew 11:20-24 Woe to unbelieving cities

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Cross First Sunday: Matthew 10:34-42 He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not fit for me.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Cross Second Sunday: Matthew 24:29-36 The sign of the Son of man.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Cross Third Sunday: John 12:27-36 The Son of man will be exalted.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Cross Fourth Sunday: Matthew 11:25-30 Jesus is the refuge of the afflicted

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Moses First Sunday: Matthew 25:31-46 The Last judgment.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Moses Second Sunday: Luke 21:20-28 Your salvation is near.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Moses Third Sunday: Matthew 12:22-32 He who speaks against Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

(Elijah-Cross-Moses) Moses Fourth Sunday: Mark 13:3-13 He who endures to the end will be saved


Dedication of the Church First Sunday: Matthew 25:1-13 Those who were ready entered the bridal chamber.

Dedication of the Church Second Sunday: Matthew 19:23-30 Apostles sitting on twelve thrones.

Dedication of the Church Third Sunday: Mathew 25:14-30 Entrusted Talents.

Dedication of the Church Fourth Sunday (Feast of Christ the King): John 18:33-37 Messiah the King.

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